Happy Independence Day Texas

While March 2nd marks the rich history of Texas’ beginnings, it should not only be that date that we focus on. We need to look at and reflect upon all of the other dates that led up to our forefathers’ “official” declaration of independence. We need to look at, reflect and remember what they saw as wrongs being done to them by a government that was ostensibly meant to help them.

As I take my personal time to look at, reflect and remember the wrongs that the current government is doing, I am grateful that I can freely do something about these wrongs – I can freely go vote and address these wrongs. My wife and I plan to cast our ballots this Tuesday.

Please remember the sacrifices of our forefathers who bled and died on Texas soil for our freedom to vote. Please remember our veterans who also bled and died and who continue to make sacrifices to ensure that your right to vote is not infringed upon.

Please vote on Tuesday if you have not already done so.

Texas Declaration of Independence

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