A Letter to the President Regarding the Affordable Care Act

Dear Mr. President,

Here in west Texas, a deal is a deal.

Ethical business people doing an oil and gas deal here in west Texas don’t need a piece of paper to say that they had a deal. Our word is good enough. That piece of paper is to remind our lawyers that we are paying attention to them. For a lot of us, when we agree to something that we should not have, we eat the mistake. Sometimes there is a price to pay for keeping your word. Mr. President, you broke your word when you specifically promised us that if we liked our policy or our doctor, we could keep them. It turns out that a lot of people cannot do either one.

Now that you have acknowledged what your promises were and that the ACA cannot deliver on those promises, it is time for you to do the right thing. At a minimum, the right thing for you to do is to step up and deliver on those promises. We won’t give you a pass on this.

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2 Responses to A Letter to the President Regarding the Affordable Care Act

  1. Kevin L. Williams says:

    Thanks, Nelson! You said my own thoughts beautifully.

  2. Pete Farmer says:

    I agree with everything you said, unfortunately ETHICAL is an attribute LACKING OR SHOULD I SAY COMPLETELY AWOL FROM THIS POTUS and everyone who works for him and with him. I still cannot believe that he has not been impeached, it just doesn’t make sense to me that he gets by with his intentional destruction of our COUNTRY. Keep up the good work, just hope the MIDLAND COUNTY RNC CHAIR is only a brief stop before running for CONGRESS OR SENATE US, NOT STATE….

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