Author Archives: Nelson
Empower Texans Recognizes Ernest Angelo’s Accomplishments
If you consider yourself politically active, you will know who Ernest Angelo is and why Empower Texans would do a feature piece about just a few of his accomplishments. For those of you who are not as politically active as I … Continue reading
National Empty Chair Day 2015
Today is National Empty Chair Day. Please place an empty chair in front of your house to represent the failed policies of Barack Obama.
A New Texting Law Won’t Solve the Distracted Driving Problem
The Midland Reporter Telegram graciously allowed me to have a second op-ed piece for Sunday’s edition of their paper. Please take a moment to read my concluding thoughts on the matter. A New Texting Law Won’t Solve the Distracted Driving … Continue reading
Why you should also be fighting the proposed texting bill
Please join my fight against Midland’s proposed texting law. The next town hall meeting is August 3 at the MLK, Jr. Community Center at 6 pm. The final vote on this law will be on August 11 during the regular city council … Continue reading
5 Reasons Why I Oppose Anti-Texting Laws
Today, I appeared before the Midland City Council and I offered my reasons why I believe that Midland’s proposed texting/driving bill is a bad idea. Let me state unequivocally that I believe that ALL distracted driving is a bad idea. However, … Continue reading
Arizona Republican Proposes a “Legal Tender” Bill
What do you all think of this? Arizona is on the way to passing a “Legal Tender” bill which allows gold and silver to be used to pay debts among private individuals. I am attaching the text of the entire article … Continue reading
Senator Burton Takes Bold Stand For Life As She Is Sworn In
KONNI BURTON MAKES A BOLD STATEMENT ON THE FIRST DAY OF SESSION Pink shoe drama replaced with pro-life boots FORT WORTH- Konni Burton, got off to a bold start sporting a new pair of boots on the first day of … Continue reading
The Dumbing Down of Presidential Security
The New York Times is reporting that the Secret Service is permitting volunteers with neither official clearance nor training to be a part of Presidential motorcades. The reason appears to be that there is a lack of resources to properly … Continue reading
Carly Fiorina: America’s Iron Lady
A candidate for any office, especially President, must have the ability to clearly articulate their vision especially in a debate format. While most of the other Republicans running for President can debate fairly well, not all of them are good … Continue reading →